Our estimated delivery dates are based on several factors, including the destination address,and how quickly we can assemble and prepare your items for shipment. You can calculate delivery estimates by taking the processing time for your order and adding the delivery time based on the shipping method of Parcel mail.

For example, if you order a pair of shoes, it will need 3-5 business days of processing time and then 3 business days of shipping time and 10-20 business days of Postal Service Time.  Therefore, you can expect to receive it in 16-30 business days.

Shipping Method: ePacket

Delivery Time=Processing Time+Shipping Time

(*There is different processing time for different item. You can check the processing time from product page. Once your order is placed, you can check order shipping info from the online order status page. We will also inform you through your registered email.)

Custom Tax or Duty

Normally customers will not be charged of any additional fees via regular mail. However, for some European countries, you may need to pay duties or VAT  according to your countries’ levying rules.